REVIEW: Banana Split is Not Your Ordinary Coming of Age Film

Coming of age films are not always everyone’s cup of tea. They can sometimes be too over the top or they can sometimes lack a plot, but Director Benjamin Kasulke’s Banana Split is neither of these two things. Banana Split follows April (Hannah Marks), who has been dating her boyfriend Nick (Dylan Sprouse) for the past two years. When the two graduate high school they ultimately decide to go their separate ways.

However, Nick does not wait too long before finding someone else to fill the void April left behind. After learning about Nick’s new girlfriend Clara (Liana Liberato), April decides to get revenge on Nick by befriending Clara. Though what starts out as a plan to get back at her ex-boyfriend turns into a friendship that neither April nor Clara saw coming.

The nice thing about Banana Split is it never tries to be something it is not. The writers of the film, Hannah Marks and Joey Power, could have made the film all about April’s plan of revenge against Nick and her trying to sabotage his relationship with Clara, but they didn’t. Instead they focused on the friendship between April and Clara and how even though Clara is dating April’s ex they still find a way to become the best of friends. It was a different take on a story that could have felt very much like other coming of age films we have seen in the past.

One other thing I really enjoyed about this film was it focuses on the relationship between April and Clara. Sure, they had dated the same guy, but there was nothing caddy about their relationship. You could truly tell that the two enjoyed being around one another. Hannah and Liana are perfect as April and Clara. Their chemistry together provides for a couple of good laughs and will have watchers rooting for them in the end rather then either of them with Nick. Dylan is dreamy as Nick and Luke Spencer Roberts’ Ben (Nick’s best friend) is great addition to the group.

The one negative I did have with this film was April’s little sister, Agnes (played by Addison Riecke). That character was a little too over the top for my taste. I think they could have done without that character and it wouldn’t have changed the feeling of the film.

The film currently as no release date yet, but when it is released it will be worth watching. Hopefully, the film will be released on a streaming site because it is the perfect film to watch with friends during a sleepover or on a lazy day.

Grade: B+

Photo source: AMERICAN INDIE

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