REVIEW: Dickson Season 2 is Even Better Than the First

Dickinson returns with its first three episodes of its second season today, January 8, and the new episodes are just as fun as the first season. This season focuses on Emily’s (Hailee Steinfeld) rise to fame and her struggling to cope with it all. However, Emily is being haunted by a young man named, Nobody (Will Pullen) who refuses to tell her how she knows him or why he is haunting her. While all this is going on, we watch as newcomer Henry ‘Ship’ Shipley (Pico Alexander) attempts to woe Vinnie (Anna Baryshnikov) into marriage while Sue and Austin deal with their new lives as newlyweds.

What I love so much about the first season of the show was its ability to blend a periodic drama with modern qualities and this season really continues to showcase that blend. From Sue being an “influencer” to anything that comes out of Vinnie’s mouth, the writers always find a way to relate what is going on in the show to what is going on in the world today. Which, for me, makes the show that more alluring. The music also featured in the first three episodes was fantastic. It helped make scenes a little bit more lighthearted. It was a playful reminder that the show may have some dramatic tones to it, but it also has comedic tones as well.

Steinfeld is wonderful in the first three episodes. Her ability to pull off both Emily’s awkwardness and confidence is fantastic. Baryshnikov, though, is the clear winner for me. I loved her character in the first season, but she is pure gold in these first three episodes. Her and newcomer, Alexander are a joy to watch on screen together.

We don’t get much from Sue (Ella Hunt) or Austin (Adrian Enscoe) in the episodes, but we can see that married life isn’t what either thought it would be. Finn Jones joins the cast as Springfield Republican editor, Samuel Bowles and is a nice addition. He and Steinfeld’s chemistry create a nice storyline filled with a lot of fun back and forth banter.

Fans of the series will not be disappointed with the first three episodes of Season 2. They set up the storylines for each character with ease and, the third episode, will leave you wanting more. Fans of Emily and Sue might be a little disappointed with the first three with the lack of scenes between the two. But there are still seven more episodes to be released, so keep the faith.

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