EXCLUSIVE: Trinitee Stokes Talks her Upcoming Year at Emerson, her Production Company & More with BB

Trinitee Stokes is taking over the world at the ripe age of 14. From heading off to Emerson College in the Fall to launching her own production company, there is no stopping the young actress.

We had the chance to sit down with the star and discuss her upcoming Freshman year, her production company, the new book she is working on, and so much more. Check out what she had to share below.

How did you end up choosing Emerson as the college for you?
“It was kind of a happy accident because I had researched Emerson about a year ago for a friend of mine, actually, and I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh. This is such a cool school.’ But at the time, I was a business major and, I was not planning on going to college so soon.. It was a bit of a ways away. After I finished all of my college write-ups and submissions in December, in January something on my timeline came up about Emerson and my mom and I were like, ‘Oh, my gosh. You can’t forget about Emerson.’ So, I was so grateful that I was able to get my application in a few days before the deadline.”

What made you fall in love with it?
“After I changed my major to political communication, I honestly just fell in love. It really was a hidden gem. It really is a perfect school for me.”

Did you visit the school before making the decision?
“I actually had not visited. I didn’t visit campus until after I committed, which is pretty reverse. I didn’t look at anything like campus life or some of those other big decision factors that people use to decide. The thing that really drew me to Emerson was the major, the classes, the instructors, the close-knit environment, which was something that was really important for me. Being homeschooled all of my life. I’ve grown really accustomed to being able to have a one-on-one personalized experience and that’s something that Emerson really offers and they do it with such excellence.”

How did you go from a business major to political communication?
“About three or four years ago, I really wanted to do business. I wanted to learn how to run business. I actually took a few business classes with my community college and I realized, I’m not going to want to spend four years taking business math and all those extra math classes.

My mom, she was an economics major with a minor in business, so she really was able to give me the scoop on all the math classes. I realized business wasn’t really for me, so I just took my business classes and went on my way, but I noticed that I’m really passionate about politics and I’m really passionate about communication.”

What about Political Communications drew you to it?
“When you put the two together, politics is something that is so often miscommunicated. When it is, it really does harm lives and it really puts lives at stake. For me, I love communicating and I love politics. It’s something that’s really become a bit of a niche of mine, so I’m so grateful that Emerson actually had a political communications major because, before I looked to Emerson, I didn’t even know that that was something I could do.”

You can read the rest of our interview with Stokes below. This young lady is already changing the world and we’re excited to see what the future holds for her!

It’s absolutely amazing to be able to look at all that you’ve done in your 14 years. You’re changing the world for so many girls younger than you. How does it feel to be that type of role model to young girls all over the world?
“Well, for me, I have a bit of a balancing act. On one hand, I try not to think about it too much. Then, on the other hand, I’m very cautious of it because it’s a very important title and it’s a job that I take really seriously because I want to make sure that not only am I staying true to myself, but I’m being a good example for those that are watching me.

I also try not to think about it too much because I don’t want to stress myself out or feel the need to change anything about myself just for the sake of others. I try to make sure that I’m still doing everything that I love to do and am still having fun and being myself. But being a role model is something I just really try not to think about because it’s such an important thing.”

Who would you say are the role models that shaped your life?
“Definitely my mom. She’s always been a role model of mine, ever since I could imagine, in every aspect of my life. Especially when she might come upon something that may be difficult or hard for her, she always tackles it with so much grace, so much wisdom, strength, and so much personal integrity. That’s always something that I’ve tried to take and try to model as much as I can in everything that I do.”

I’m so grateful to her because without the structure she got from the military and the Air Force, I wouldn’t be able to have such a good schedule. She and I were able to come together and work to expedite my way out of college. There’s so many things that I’ve done so far that I credit to my parents.”

When you go off to college this Fall are we going to keep seeing you on screen or is your focus mainly going to be on school?
“You will actually most likely see more of me on screen and more of me traveling and doing my social work and my philanthropic efforts. I’m so glad that I’ve been able to work alongside my team at Emerson. They’ve been able to work with me when picking out my schedule so that way all my classes are at 5:00AM. I will be out in time to get ready and start filming early in the morning. I don’t want to put my career or anything else I love aside for my education, which is also something that I love. I want to be able to balance and do everything at the same time, which is something that I look forward to doing.”

Will you be staying in Los Angeles doing the majority of your schooling or will you be able to attend at least some in-person classes this Fall?
“For this semester, I do know that I will be virtual, but next semester I might try to work out a hybrid schedule. But it all really depends on my schedule to see where I’m at, where I’m filming, and what the logistics will really look like. But right now, I’m all virtual.”

Can you share what you’re going to be filming this fall?
“I cannot share with you, not just yet, but I am definitely working on producing and developing some films and shows of my own right now, which is so exciting.”

Are you launching your own production company or are you teaming up with someone else to be able to do this?
“Yes, I am launching my own production company, as long as partnering with a company as well.”

At 14, you’re going to college, you’re producing, you’re going to be acting, and you’re still going to be appearing for your activism. How are you not tired all the time?
“Well, I take lots of naps. I always take naps in the car and I usually take a few naps during the week so, that way, I’m able to take quick power naps and rejuvenate quickly.”

Is there another book in your future coming out or have we seen a pause on that for right now?
“No, I’m actually working on a fiction book series right now.”

Are you in the beginning stages of that or have you been working on it for a little bit now?
“Sort of in the beginning, but I’m making a lot of good progress on it. I’m really excited about my first fiction piece.”

Are you working with someone on it or are you putting the words together and then just teaming with a publishing company?
“Yes, it will most likely be that, at the moment. But I’m just trying to get all my thoughts out on paper and organize it and then go from there.”

So before you head off to school this Fall, what does the summer hold for you?
“The summer will definitely be booming. I’m very excited about that. I’m going to be teaming up and doing a few pieces for Girl Up. I’m really excited about that. Travel hasn’t really picked back up all the way yet, but I will most likely be doing some things virtual, so stay tuned.”

Of all of the topics that you speak out on, what do you think is the topic that you’re most passionate about?
“I would say self-love because it encompasses everything that I talk about. Because to love yourself, that does require having high self-esteem and loving yourself just the way that you are and having a positive body image. Everything that I speak about individually really just falls under self-love.”

How do you focus on your self-love?
“For me, it comes in so many different ways, but one of the larger things that I do is definitely taking my social media breaks. As much as I love keeping up with my friends and seeing what everyone is up to, it can definitely be draining, subconsciously or consciously. So, I definitely make sure to take those maybe week or so breaks, just to recoup and just focus on me. But I love hot bubble baths and coloring and relaxing and definitely a really good shopping trip always does the trick.”

If there is one thing that you will tell yourself in four years what do you think it’ll be?
“I think it will be probably all the sacrifices were worth it.”

What’s to come for Trintee Stokes in 2021, besides college and your little projects?
“This next year will be super busy. Lots of shows and lots of projects will be in the works for me, but definitely stay tuned to my social media, @triniteestokes, to keep up with all the updates because you don’t want to miss it.”

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