EXCLUSIVE: Sophie McShera Previews What’s to Come for Daisy in Downton Abbey: A New Era

Downton Abbey is back again with a new movie, Downton Abbey: A New Era. The movie is set to be released in the United States on May 20 and to celebrate the release we sat down with one of the stars of the movie, Sophie McShera.

McShera has played the role of Daisy Parker, assistant cook at Downton, since she was introduced all the way back in 2010. During our chat, we talked the character, keeping Daisy fresh after all these years, Daisy’s reaction to the new characters coming to Downton and so much more. Check out what she had to say below.

When did you find out that you were going to be coming back for this movie?

“Oh my God. I don’t know because everything’s gone into one in my head. I can’t remember an exact date, but I feel like we were in early production going back during COVID and it was a miracle that we were able to do it. We were all extra, extra, extra grateful that we were out and working, because that seemed that it had been not possible for a while. And yeah, we are always so happy that we get to come back together, but this felt so extra special.”

Daisy has been a member of the Downton family for years. What keeps you wanting to come back to play this character?

“It’s interesting. The fact that all the cast always want to come back and always want to do it, no question. There’s always a will. We always want to be back together. I think that’s just because we have such a nice time doing it. We properly love each other, which is so annoying and boring to hear, but we have such good fun together. And so, I’m always like, ‘Oh, I want to get back and be with my friends.’ There’s that side of it. I still find the character an amazing challenge and I still love playing her. I’m never bored of her.

I love doing Daisy and that’s testament to Julian’s [Fellowes] writing and all these relationships that I’ve got, I guess, with all those characters and with the real-life people. It’s weird, but it absolutely doesn’t feel difficult to keep it fresh and to keep it exciting.”

After playing this character for so long, what would you say has most surprised you about this character?

“It’s been such an evolution and it’s 12 years working on the show. Being one of the younger characters, I got an amazing journey. I love how she starts off as this tiny green person in the house that is so scared and so afraid. And I’m not sure if I’d have known everything that was to come, would I have been trying to play that? Whereas, I didn’t have to think about that. I just went with it. I love that she has this bravery, passion, and ambition. And I love that all these things come out of her as the seasons go on. Yes, she’s got a lot of fire in her belly, and I don’t know whether I knew that was there, but it was obviously, and I love that.”

I’d like to talk a little bit more about that fire in her belly, because that is something that has grown as the series progressed.

“I really love how Julian writes Daisy. Like you say, I love how she’s not afraid to have an opinion and she’s not afraid to voice it and stand up for what she thinks is right and speak out. And she’s done that throughout the years.”

I’m assuming we’re going to see it in this new film.

“She definitely has a voice in this film, and she finds it and she uses it. It’s like, who would’ve thought that Daisy would be the person that can fix something for the house? And she does. She’s come such a long way. She’s the only person for the job in that scene.”

If you had told fans way back when Daisy was first introduced that she would become the character she is today, I don’t think any of us would’ve believe you. The writers and yourself, you’ve created a character that is so well loved in the series. Whether it be positively or negatively, you have managed to keep this character growing over the years!

“Thank you. I feel like I’m working with amazing people. I can’t go too far wrong when I’ve got all this talent around me. When I was starting out, I felt like I just need to try and suck this in. And getting to play out with all those people is so much fun. It never gets boring to do a scene with Lesley [Nicol]. It’s always going to be exciting. And I say it never gets old. Especially now because we’ve had lots of time away. We’re gagging to get back and get back with each other and do it all again. So yeah, we never get complacent really.”

Not only did most of your castmates return, but you brought new characters and a new director with you. Let’s talk your new director first, Simon Curtis. Can you talk about what it was like working with him on the film?

“It was so cool working with Simon. Obviously, we all know Simon, and so we have a relationship there. That made it feel like he was already part of the family, but just in a different context. It was amazing having this fresh energy from him. I absolutely love the way he works, and it was really lovely getting really good notes from him and really amazing ideas from him. That keeps it fresh working with a new director because you’re going to get a new perspective and a new way of working, which is so helpful as an actor. I absolutely love what he’s done with the film, and I loved working with him as a director.”

Was there anything in particular he did in the film that left you saying, “I wasn’t expecting that?”

“I can’t actually think of anything really specific. Downton is so interesting because I can go back and do a scene in the kitchen with Lesley, and it feels like riding a bike. It’s just in my bones and this is just our second home, and we know exactly what we’re doing. Then the next day I’m doing a scene with Laura Haddock upstairs in a big posh bedroom and Simon’s directing that. And that could feel like a whole different job. So yeah, I think that fresh new energy is what I really valued.”

Now to the new characters. Can you preview Daisy’s reaction to the new characters coming to Downton?

“It seems like a moment where she’s un-cynical. She’s just really excited. She’s just like, ‘Oh my God, these big film stars are coming in.’ Can you imagine? It must have just been the biggest thing ever. The people that you’ve watched on the screen are now going to walk into your house. I love that wide-eyed optimism thing that she has as well. She has a bit of everything. But then when it comes to it, she’s real and earthy and she’ll get things sorted out. She won’t let the status of those people necessarily intimidate her too much in the end.”

But what is so fun about that, is the way Daisy is reacting to these actors and actresses is the way fans react to you. You know? When you step into a room and they’re seeing you, they’re like, “Oh my God, that’s Daisy. Do you have someone that you’ve either reacted to or you would react to, if you knew they we coming to stay like Daisy does?

“Oh my God, that’s such a good question. I can’t think. I really hope that I would just be a little bit cooler than Daisy was when she brings Myrna Dalgleish {Laura Haddock] her cup of tea in the film. I’m going to think about who my Myrna Dalgleish is, but I haven’t got one off the top of my head.”

Daisy has been featured in a number of comedic scenes where she is merely observing and not actually partaking. How do you keep a straight face in those scenes?

“When we’re all filming downstairs, there’s so many characters and all the actors are so funny, but I feel like we have this amazing bond and chemistry with each other, we know when we do a scene, we can sort of switch into it. But I feel like all that laughter and chemistry definitely feeds into the scenes and you really see all those relationships being really alive.”

Over the years, Daisy has interacted with several characters, is there a character you wish Daisy interacted more with?

“I really love the interactions that she has with Myrna Dalgleish, which is played by Laura Haddock, because it’s really cool. If there’s new actors coming in, if you get to do scenes with them, it’s really fun, because it’s just nice and exciting and kind of a change. I was really thrilled that I got good stuff with her. She’s so good to work with. She was such a breath of fresh air and so talented and funny and really lovely as well. So yeah, I liked working with Laura.”

How excited are you for fans, here in the United States, to see the new movie?

“I’m so excited. Because obviously, it’s been released here [United Kingdom] and we’re getting such a lovely reaction from the fans and I’m so excited for it to come out in America and to see what everyone thinks of it. Yeah. I really hope that they love it.”

Well, for my final question what are you hoping fans get from the movie?

“I really hope they love it and enjoy it and that it’s a bit of escapism, and you laugh, you cry. I just really hope that we’ve given the fans the story that they wanted, and I hope they really enjoy it.”

*This interview has been edited for length and clarity

Photo credit: Ben Blackall / ©2022 Focus Features LLC

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