Me and My Girlfriend

The boys of The Hunger Games spoke with Seventeen recently about their new film and their lady friends. Liam Hemsworth rekindled his relationship with Miley Cyrus earlier this year while his co-star, Josh Hutcherson is rumored to be dating Vanessa Hudgens.

Josh on whether he is dating Vanessa: “Oh, boy. I don’t know if ‘dating’ is the right word. She’s awesome. We love being together. When I first met her, we just really hit it off. We could be goofy and silly and not worry about anything except having fun. I adore her.”

Liam on if he and Miley are back together: “Who knows? Might be. The main thing is that we know how we feel. We know what’s going on. It can get complicated bringing the rest of the world into it.”

Josh on his type of girl: “I like girls I can have deep conversations with. The meaning of life and existence — you can go on forever about that stuff. When girls play the ditzy-dumb thing, I’m like, ‘Oh, God, please stop.'”

Liam on how he deals with relationship issues: “I like to put things on the table. I like when other people do that as well — you don’t really get anywhere if you keep it all bottled up. You need to talk about it.”

Their full interview can be found in the October issue of Seventeen!


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