The More I Think About It

Jennifer Lawrence sat down with Vanity Fair Magazine to discuss her upcoming movie, The Hunger Games, due out March 23, 2012.

Jennifer, who at the time had been busy filming The Hunger Games in North Caroline, spoke about her character Katniss, the Twilight comparison, and so much more.

On how she got involved with the movie: “I had read the books before I even knew I would be auditioning for the movie, and was a huge fan of the material.”

On what she told director, Gary Ross, after auditioning for the role: “I understand if you don’t hire me, but please remember that after Katniss shoots a bow and kills someone, her face cannot be badass.” So there’s nothing cool about her. It’s not like she looks around the arena and goes, Yeah, I got this. I think she looks around helplessly, and thinks, I made a promise to my sister that I would survive; now I have to kill in order to do so.”

On the Twilight comparison: “Hunger Games is not Twilight, and while I hear the comparisons, it’s really premature to say that it will be the same phenomenon.”

To read Jennifer’s full article click here.

I love Jennifer’s response to the Twilight question. It really is too soon to be comparing this franchise with Twilight‘s and in all honesty these two shouldn’t even be compared in general. The only things they have in common is the genre and that they are both young adult series.


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