It Is Bound To Happen

Lionsgate will apparently not be releasing Miley Cyrus’ new film LOL until sometime after March because of the company’s low funds!

Apparently, “The company is counting on The Hunger Games, co-starring Miley’s boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth. The film that’s based on the series of books with the huge franchise to support, will give Lionsgate just the boost it needs to support LOL“.

The site goes on to claim the film, “will most likely hit theaters worldwide sometime after March.”

Well, since The Hunger Games most likely will bring in a lot of money for Lionsgate I hope one of the first films they put out is LOL.

I also think they are giving this film a lot less credit than it deserves. I mean I know it will not bring in as much money as The Hunger Games, but it will most likely bring in a good amount because of the stars in the film.

Thanks @mileyychrist


1 thought on “It Is Bound To Happen

    • Author gravatar

      And so far, Miley’s movies have made enough money just on the DVD sales alone to pay for the films production costs, and some of the mardeting.

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