Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Bonnie Wright! Today, February 17, marks Bonnie’s 21st birthday, and if she didn’t live in Britain I would have more to say about it being her 21st.

What I can say is that Bonnie has had quite the year. She not only got engaged to her boy, Jamie Campbell-Bower, but she also said farewell to the Harry Potter series, traveled to India to film for her new movie The Philosophers, and begun production on her directorial debut, Separate We Come, Separate We Go.

This upcoming year will be just as amazing! She will premiere her new film, The Philosophers, later this year. And Bonnie will also debut her own masterpiece, Separate We Come, Separate We Go, begin work on her new film, In Want Of A Wife, and could possibly have her wedding.

From all of us here at BeautifulBallad, we want to wish Bonnie an amazing Happy Birthday!

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