Can Ever Tell Me

Robert Pattinson recently spoke to USA Today about his time at the Cannes Film Festival and rumors that has been circling the internet.

On the rumor that he is going to be in The Hunger Games sequel, Catching Fire:  “I woke up this morning and saw all these things about me being cast in The Hunger Games. I was kind of curious for a second. So I called my agent. My agent was like, ‘No’. (My agent) was like no one’s going to offer you that part,. I was like, thanks for the reassurance.”

On panicking about how  the people would at Cannes would react to his film:  “I literally didn’t watch one second of the movie, I was waiting for people to walk out. I was expecting a fight. It took a full three hours of continued panic. Full adrenaline. It was just too weird.”

To read the full article click here.

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