Been This Way

Emma Stone is on the cover of this week’s New York Magazine to promote her new film, The Amazing Spider-Man. Highlights from the interview can be found below.

On being nervous about the scrutiny that comes with success: “I’m just trying really hard not to imagine what will happen. Because the way you picture things are never the way they turn out, really, ever.”

On dating Andrew Garfield: “Not too shabby, eh?”

On her worst quality: “I’m really going to go there. This is like a historical ‘I have dealt with it in therapy’ type of thing. I’ll think that someone is saying something or thinking something, and I’ll react emotionally as if that were the truth. Sometimes I think someone is whispering to someone else about me, and I get sad, and then I’m reacting like I’m sad for hours when it really isn’t happening.”

To read Emma’s full interview click here or pick up your own copy on stands this week!

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