A Raging Fire

Liam Hemsworth is featured as the “Man Of Style” in InStyle Magazine. Highlights from the interview can be found below.

On his favorite things about America: “Southern Accents. Whenever I go to Nashville or am around my fiancee’s family, I just end up talking like them. I love the south in general. There’s a lot of deep fried food, and the people really remind me of Australians-very laid back.”

On his ideal woman: “My fiancee. She’s extremely happy and has a sense of humor about life. And she has taught me you can step back and not take everything so seriously. Happy, positive, fun-those qualities are good in anyone.”

On who would win in a fight, Thor of Billy the Kid: “Thor’s a god. You can never beat a god, no matter how big your gun is. ”

On accidentally matching Miley on the carpet:  “We don’t usually coordinate and I think people usually get sick of seeing black. Still, I loved when we both ended up in all black[Dolce & Gabbana for him, Pucci for her.] at The Hunger Games premiere in L.A.”

You can read Liam’s full article here and you can take a look at some new stills from Liam’s new film, Love and Honor, in the gallery.

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