You’ll Be My Queen

Robert Pattinson has landed a new role. The young star will be starring in Werner Herzog’s indie Queen of the Desert.

In this new film, Rob will play “T.E. Lawrence, a British Army officer whose writing earned him international fame as Lawrence of Arabia, on whom David Lean’s classic 1962 epic is based. Lawrence was a good friend to Gertrude Bell over the years, as the duo helped establish the Hashemite dynasties in Jordan and Iraq.”

The role of Gertrude will be played by Naomi Watts and the film will follow her amazing life as “a writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer and political attache for the British Empire.”

No word on when filming will begin, but we will keep you informed! This is so exciting for Rob! Also, I am so happy to see that he will be keeping his British accent for the film!


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