Birds Of A Feather

Jennifer Lawrence is on the cover of the October issue of W magazine to promote House At The End Of The Street and Silver Linings Playbook. Highlights from the interview can be found below.

On whether or no she auditioned for Silver Linings Playbook: “I did. But I didn’t mind. People always worry that I’m wrong for the part: I’m usually too young—or, in the case of Katniss, they thought I was too old. I was blonde, and Katniss is brunette. So many problems. There were a lot of things that we just brushed under the rug.”

On whether she hated wearing the blue makeup for Mystique in X-Men: First Class: “Not really, but I did leave the color everywhere. The hotel in London wouldn’t give me my security deposit back because I turned their tub blue. I also did that to a lot of toilet seats on set. We called it “getting Mystiqued.”

On living in Los Angeles: “Sadly, I cannot live in Los Angeles anymore. I don’t understand how actors can do it. You have no life here. You are followed everywhere. It’s not like that anywhere else in the world. I don’t want to stay in L.A. and start thinking that’s reality—because it’s very far from normal. But I still love movies. I’m just going to love being in them from Kentucky, or Prague, or somewhere else.”

To read Jennifer’s full interview click here. Also, be sure to check out her two new films debuting in September (HATES) and November (SLP).

Not a huge fan of this photo shoot, but I love the interview!

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