Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Tom Felton! Today, September 22, marks Tom’s 25th birthday and what an amazing year it has been for Tom.

During the last year, Tom premiered a number of new films including, From The Rough and The Apparition. He also began filming three new movies Therese Raquin, Labyrinth, and Belle. Finally, Tom attended multiple conventions throughout the year to chat about his films.

This upcoming year will be even busier for the young star. His new mini-series, Labyrinth, will premiere at the end of 2012. Tom will also premiere Therese Raquin, Fangs of War 3D, and Belle in 2013. Tom will also begin filming on Attachment and Grace and Danger.

From all of us here at BeautifulBallad we want to wish Tom a very Happy Birthday. We hope he has a fabulous day and year to come!

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