Live Like You Were Dying

Kristen Stewart recently spoke with The Guardian UK about her new film On The Road. Highlights can be found below.

On her character Marylou: “I love Marylou. In the book she’s fun, she’s sexy, she’s vivid, she’s progressive for her time. She jumps off the page and smacks you in the face.”

On the importance of bootcamp for the film: “The bootcamp was about so much more than research. We got to know one another so well. Garrett, Sam and I needed to feel safe and completely willing to lose control with one another. And it’s hard to do that for me, because I’m the opposite of my character. I’m usually pretty self-conscious, but I didn’t care at all when I was with these guys. I got to live more in those four weeks than I usually do. This experience was unparalleled, for me.”

You can check out Kristen’s full interview here. On The Road will open in the UK on October 12.

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