All I Ever Needed

Taylor Swift filmed her VH1 Storytellers episode this past Monday, October 15, at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, CA. During the taping, Taylor revealed more details on two of her songs, “Ours” and “Begin Again”.

On “Begin Again”: ““I think the worst part about a breakup sometimes, if one could choose a worst part, would possibly be if you get out of a relationship and you don’t recognize yourself, because you changed a lot about yourself to make that person like you. Which I never would do. Always do.

And… I wrote this song about the idea that you could kind of remember who you used to be by meeting someone new who… celebrates the things about you that the other person used to criticize you endlessly for. That was an interesting thing for me to write about, the idea of actually moving on and there being hope after the crash-and-burn that always happens. Not always — I believe in love! But I think that this was an important song for me to write personally.”

On “Ours”: “It’s a song I wrote about someone that I really liked at the time. What kind of happens with my life, which has been interesting, is there are a lot of opinions about who you fall in love with. Which happens in everybody’s life — you know, you fall in love with someone and all of a sudden your friends start chiming in. (But) in my case, it’s like, people I don’t know just make comments on it.

The last thing that you want to hear when you fall in love is ‘They don’t look cute together.’ ‘He’s got tattoos.’… ‘He’s too short for her.’ ‘He’s too young for her.’ ‘He’s too old for her.’ Because I think that when people fall in love, it should just be about those two people. And when I was dating someone that people didn’t think I should have been — because I shouldn’t have been dating him! — anyway, back to the story… I wrote this song to let him know I didn’t care what anyone else thought.”

The episode will air on VH1 on November 11 and Taylor’s new album, Red, will be released on October 22!

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