It’s Crystal Clear

Selena Gomez opened up to PEOPLE last night, January 19, in New York City about her friendship with Taylor Swift and Vanessa Hudgens. She was in the Big Apple to perform at her charity concert for UNICEF.

On Vanessa: “I feel like I want to be her. She’s been such an incredible person, and she’s fantastic in [Spring Breakers]. She’s a really good friend.”

On Taylor: “I met [Swift] when she was 18. This is before [Swift’s 2008 album] Fearless came out, and it was absolutely incredible to see someone so successful and so humble. I think she has been a big part of me kind of staying the way I am too.”

On why she likes having them in her life: “It’s helped having Taylor and Vanessa both be older than me. They’ve kind of experienced a little bit more, and at the same time we’re experiencing the exact same things together.

It’s nice just to be able to pick up the phone and be like, ‘Ugh, I had this person say this and it’s annoying,’ and have someone understand and really get what you’re going through. I think that’s [our] main connection. I just enjoy having people in the business in my life because it helps.”

Love it!

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