Shine Your Light


More photos from Shay Mitchell’s Girl’s Life issue have been released. Shay is on the cover of the February/March issue.

In the issue, Shay talks about her favorite Valentine’s Day, natural beauty, and so much more. Highlights from the interview can be found below.

On her favorite Valentine’s Day: “I was definitely surprised when I was coming home and the backyard was lit up with candles. There was a picnic blanket out there with Italian food and so it was like having a dinner under the stars. It was a huge surprise.”

On natural beauty: “I think more natural, the better. I think it’s, you know, good to be yourself and go out there and just be comfortable in your own skin. And don’t wear too much makeup because if they are the right person, they will like you for who you are. So just be natural.”

To read the full article make sure to pick up the issue! I love her outfit in the above photo. It is so cute!


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