Only Alone For So Long


Andrew Garfield is featured in the March issue of InStyle Magazine. Andrew is in the issue to chat about his work with the Worldwide Orphans Foundation. Highlights are below.

On how he became involved with the foundation: “I met Jane at a WWO fund-raiser about two years ago. It was synchronistic because at the time I was working on one of the most classic orphan stories ever told Peter Parker and Spider-Man. I was entrenched in trying to find the orphan in me.”

On his duties as ambassador of sport: “I referee soccer matches and cheer the kids on. I used to see sports as purely competitive, a symbol of achievement. Through my work with WWO, I’ve learned about the developmental benefits teamwork, self-esteem, and seeing what one’s body can do.”

You can check out more from Andrew’s interview above. Andrew does quite a bit for this foundation and he doing such a great job!

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