The Most Shady


Justin Bieber is not a fan of Patrick Carney of the Black Keys. The drummer for the indie band recently shared feelings on Justin’s apparent snub at this year’s GRAMMYs.

Patrick was asked about the snub while leaving Chateau Marmont on Sunday night after his band picked up several awards at the show. He said, “He’s rich, right? Grammys are for like music, not for money … and he’s making a lot of money. He should be happy.” (Video below the jump)

The drummer then took to his twitter when he found out his response had made the media circuit. He tweeted, “Its cool when you get cornered outside your hotel by a guy with a camera and they ask you a dumb question and then put it on tv. :(“.

Justin got wind of Patrick’s remark and took to his twitter to issue his own response. Justin tweeted, “the black keys drummer should be slapped around haha”.

Not really the way Justin should have handled the situation, even if he was trying to be funny.

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