Build An Empire


The author of the Vampire Academy, Richelle Mead, recently opened up about the casting for the film adaptation of her book series, Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters.

On Zoey Deutch as Rose Hathaway: “Zoey is a young actress people are already raving about. Mark Waters told me when she walks into a room, people feel her energy, and she was one of the few actresses who worked out for the role before auditioning. She’s training even more now and has all the books so that she can really get into Rose’s head.”

On Danila Kozlovskiy as Dimitri: “Danila is one of Russia’s most famous and renowned young actors right now. That’s right–a real Russian. No fake accents! I’m told people who saw his audition tape were like, ‘Oh my God!’ (in a good way). Plus, he’s hardcore. Mark Waters says during a Skype session they had, there was a window open behind Danila with a freezing seventeen-below Moscow winter outside. Was he affected? No. He said it was ‘refreshing.'”

On Lucy Fry as Lissa: “Mark Waters said when she auditioned, she did it with an amazing grace and regality that immediately made you go, ‘Yes, that’s a Moroi princess.’ She’s a fair bit taller than Zoey too, as a Moroi should be, and I’m told when they’re together (which I can’t wait to see), they perfectly capture the duo.”

You can check out more on what Richelle had to say about the filming, control over the adaption  and more here. I hope everything is in order so the film can be released a year from today!

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