Full of Grace


Shay Mitchell is the April cover girl for Teen Vogue! She sat down with the magazine earlier this year at a craft store in New York City to chat about Pretty Little Liars, her fans, and more.

On not looking like Emily in the PLL books: “I remember being so excited to get the part, and then I started getting messages on Twitter saying, “You are not right for this.” In the casting breakdown, the producers said they were looking for the girl next door. Who’s to say I’m not the girl next door in this day and age”.

On her passion aside from acting: ” I work with a cause called the Somaly Mam Foundation, and that is my purpose in life, above anything else. Everything that I do, I’m thinking about girls. As strong as we are, we’re also sensitive, and I feel like men take advantage of that. I’m not talking about adult [prostitutes], about the red-light districts. That’s a whole other thing. I’m talking about children; they don’t have a say, and they’re being brought into [slavery].”

To read the rest of Shay’s interview go HERE. She looks gorgeous in this shoot, I love the styling.

UPDATE: We have added a behind the scenes video from the shoot below the jump!

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