My Cross To Bear


Selena Gomez is on the cover of the April issue of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine. Highlights from Selena’s interview can be found below.

On her love of Hooters: “…when I was seven, my dad would go to Hooters to watch Spurs games. But he started noticing that when I would come, with my little pigtails, all the waitresses would be like, ‘Hey!’ So he ended up half spending time with me but with all those cute girls coming over.”

On the overwhelming media attention surrounding her relationship with Justin Bieber: “It was, but that’s not a factor for me because unfortunately you can’t control that. To me, love is normal. Of course, you see Jay and Beyoncé and you’re like, ‘Oh, my gosh, they’re perfect for each other,’ but at the end of the day their love is just like everybody else’s love. They have problems, I’m sure, and they solve them, like anybody else. So to make it as normal as possible—in such an abnormal lifestyle—was super important to both of us. Which was great …”

On having celebrity friends and non-celebrity friends: “It’s good to have both. It’s great to just pick up a phone and call Taylor [Swift] and say, ‘I have people following me, and I’m having a bad day,’ but if I were to say that to someone else, it’s like, ‘Oh, boo hoo.’ But it’s nice to have people back home that grew up with me too.”

You can check out more from Selena’s interview here. Selena looks great on this cover! I especially love  the photos of her with the umbrella!

UPDATE: Below the jump you will find a behind the scenes video from her cover shoot!

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