Get The Party Started


Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson, and Rachel Korine sat down with Indiewire to discuss their new film, Spring Breakers. Highlights can be found below.

Selena on whether or not she is nervous about the public’s reaction: I think there’s the obvious nervous feelings towards the reactions because people are emphasizing on it being a little shocking. But it’s not really what we’re worried about. It’s super real, it’s raw. And I’m stoked.”

Ashley on where she saw the film for the first time: “The first time I saw it, I went for ADR and Harmony was like, ‘Do you wanna watch the movie?’ And I was like, ‘Sure,’ and he took me to this little office and I watched it on a tiny TV. So I didn’t really grasp the movie. I was speechless. I was like OMG. But there’s nothing like seeing it in Venice on the big screen, it was unreal. So awesome.”

Selena on whether or not she would have played one of the other girls: “I don’t know. Maybe if you asked me next year I probably could’ve but I’m totally the baby of the group in real life for sure. I think Faith was the perfect character for me to play.”

You can check out the girls’ full interview here. Spring Breakers hits theaters nationwide on March 22.

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