Got To Cut Back

Liam Hemsworth spent his time in Manila yesterday, March 15, doing press for Bench clothing. The young star was announced as the latest face of the clothing line last year.

Not only did Liam participate in a press conference where he spoke about Bench clothing and his new film Catching Fire, but he also sat down with to chat as well. Highlights can be found below.

On which Bench product he likes the best:  “I like simple stuff, you know. I like the one I’m wearing — a simple T-shirt, very comfortable.”

On what he wears to bed: “I usually sleep in Boxer shorts, hehehehe! I want to be comfortable so I want to sleep in as little as possible.”

On returning back to Melbourne: “I just came from Australia and I was just there for 10 days but I haven’t been home before that for almost two years, which is the longest time I’ve been away from home. You know, I love to get back more often but the past two years I’ve been going from movie to movie, and I just haven’t had the time to go back.”

You can check out more from Liam’s interview here. You can also watch some videos from his press conference above and below the jump!

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