The City Goes To Bed


Demi Lovato recently sat down with Parade magazine to chat about her new single, “Heart Attack”, and new album. Highlights from the interview are below.

On whether she will be back to judge X-Factor: “I would love to. I had so much fun on that show. If they asked me to come back, I’d probably say yes.”

On her new look for the release of “Heart Attack”: “It’s just more of who I am. I always stick to wear a lot of black and rocking out on guitars when I perform. I go to events and I’ll dress elegantly, but when I perform on stage, I tend to keep it edgy because that’s the persona that comes out of me when I perform.”

On her new album: “The sound is going to be different. There are differences between each song. Some kind of have a rock vibe to them, some are just really raw, they don’t have any background vocals and it’s just me and guitar and strings. And there are some that are dance songs. Everything is different, but ultimately I just wanted it to be good pop music.”

You can check out Demi’s full interview here. I need a release date ASAP! I am dying to hear her new album!

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