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A brand new poster for Lily Collins latest film, The English Teacher, has been released. Lily stars alongside Julianne Moore and Nathan Lane in this new indie.

Lily recently spoke to EW about the film stating, “My character is kind of the catalyst for Julianne Moore’s character going a little bit crazy. [Moore’s character] is kind of having this mid-life crisis, and me calling her out on her relationship with Michael (plays Jason) and the play kind of start her on this downward spiral where she shows she’s a bit of a mess.”

Lily went on to say, “The whole idea [that] this character got to go up against Julianne, I just saw as an amazing opportunity even if it was just a couple scenes. I’d never done an independent film before and I thought it would be the best way to kind of introduce [myself] to that [world].

Not to mention, you don’t turn down an opportunity to work with Julianne! It’s the best way to learn and have experience.”

The English Teacher will be released to theaters on May 17!

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