Fought For This


Jamie Campbell Bower sat down with Collider while at WonderCon to chat about his new film, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Highlights are below.

On the negative fan reaction to him playing Jace: “It’s deeply hurtful. I’m not going to sit here and lie to you. It’s deeply hurtful. But, one has to really pull yourself together and show people that, actually, this is what I do. I’m an actor. That’s who I am. I can play this character, and I only hope that I can prove that to people.”

On his training for the film: “My training for the movie was vast. I tried for like four months. I did martial arts. Everything that you see in the trailer, I did. Everything that you see in the movie, I did. There’s only one thing with wire work in the film. We tried to use as little as possible. So, I learned how to flip, I learned how to wield swords, I learned how to wield staffs, and that was really fun. It’s physically quite draining, but in a good way. It’s a challenge, but I like a challenge.”

On working with Lily Collins: “She’s been a huge advocate of the movie and of the script.  To have her around, on set, is a joy. She’s got great vision, as well, when it comes to the piece, and great ideas. That was one of the main things I loved about the process of making this movie. It was a real collaborative process between everyone, and we all put in ideas and we all put in our own thoughts, some of which didn’t get put into the movie, but some of which did. That’s part of what a creative process is about, I suppose.”

You can check out Jamie’s full interview here! The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones will be released to theaters on August 23!

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