Take Me With You


Emma Stone recently chatted with Cosmopolitan about the beauty tips she has learned while working on movie sets, which hair color she most identifies with, her secret for on screen kisses, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On what beauty tips she has learned on movie sets: “I have learned the importance of moisturizing because I have the driest skin on the planet. I also break out, so I have learned to use concealer. I just dot it on, but I’m not as great as applying it as the makeup artists. And I’ve learned to fill in my eyebrows—I use an eyeshadow and a little brush to do them, which I enjoy.”

On which hair color she identifies more with: “Probably red hair, even though I’m blonde naturally. I identify most with red hair. My mom is a redhead, so I grew up seeing red hair more. But I like blonde hair, too.”

On her secret for onscreen kisses: “Mints. It’s such a weird part of a job, but it is part of my job, which is bizarre. I’m also taking tips on that, so pass them on [laughs].”

To read the full article click here. Emma is currently in the midst of filming her new movies, Birdman and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in New York City.

She is too adorable in this article!



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