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Miley Cyrus revealed to ELLE UK her scary living condition in London a few years ago in this new interview. Miley had been staying at an apartment across from Harrods in London during her Wonderworld Tour ans she was convinced it was haunted.

She told the magazine, “It was seriously so terrifying. It used to be an old bakery and they turned it into an apartment building, and I was having really crazy dreams and really scary things, and one night my little sister  –  it sounds crazy to tell you – but she was standing in the shower and all of a sudden I hear her scream.

I run in there and the water had somehow flipped to hot but it was still… It wasn’t like the water had just changed, the knob had turned but she hadn’t turned it and it was burning her. She was really red. ”

Miley goes on to reveal that this was not the first time she had felt something weird about the apartment. Before the incident with her sister she claims she saw a little boy sitting on the sink while she was showering.

However, Miley’s mom was not convinced and it was not until her Aunt said something that her mom finally believed them and moved them to a different location.

To read the full interview click here. Kudos to her for staying as long as she did! I would have been moved out the second something weird had happened.

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