What You Wish


Nick Jonas recently spoke to the CharlotteObserver.com about his new film, Careful What You Wish For. Highlights from interview are below.

On venturing out of him rental in Charlotte: “It’s been tough to venture out too much, just because it gets a little crazy around here, But I have my security guy with me, and he helps me navigate around pretty easily. It’s one of those things. You just have to play it by ear and make sure that everyone’s safe.”

On his new film: “It’s been really fulfilling and really challenging at the same time. The material in the movie is pretty heavy, and so it’s just been a balance of trying to leave work at work and come back and be OK afterwards. But it’s been a great experience so far.”

On meeting fans while he is in town: “I love it when I meet people that have purchased our music or come to a concert. That support is a great thing, so I’m always down to say hello.”

You can check out more from Nick’s interview here. Nick will continue to work down in Charlotte until the end of the month.

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