Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday, Robert Pattinson. The young star turns 27 today, May 13, and what a roller coaster of a year it has been for him.

Rob kicked off his year at the Cannes Film Festival, where he premiered his film Cosmopolis. He then went on to land multiple roles in The Rover, Queen of the Desert, Map to the Stars, Hold On To Me, and Mission: Blacklist. He released Cosmpolis to theaters in the US, said goodbye to Edward Cullen when he premiered Breaking Dawn Part 2 in November, began filming for The Rover, and presented at the 2013 Golden Globes.

This year will be just as crazy for Rob. He will apparently be heading back to Cannes to do some promotions for his film Map to the Stars. He is scheduled to begin filming on multiple films throughout the year and will premiere The Rover later this year.

From all of us here at BeautifulBallad, we want to wish Rob a very Happy Birthday!

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