Make My Move


Justin Bieber’s house is apparently the place to be when you are looking for a night out but the singer is now taking legal precautions to ensure his privacy.

TMZ “has obtained a copy of a document EVERYONE must sign before entering Casa De Bieb in Calabasas, CA.  The doc — a Liability Waiver and Release — warns that anyone who blabs about any of the goings on inside the mansion will get nailed, and that includes the ‘physical health, or the philosophical, spiritual or other views or characteristics’ of Bieber or the guests.”

The site goes on to say “anyone who violates the terms of the waiver will automatically be on the hook for $5 million in damages.” this includes tweeting, Instagraming, or blogging about the party.

The document also claims “there might be activities which are ‘potentially hazardous and you should not participate unless you are medically able and properly trained.’ The risks include ‘minor injuries to catastrophic injuries, including death.'”

To read the document click here. I only have one question. What goes on at these parties?!

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