Hands In The Air


Debby Ryan recently spoke to Teen Vogue about a variety of topics. Highlights from the album can be found below.

On season 3 of her hit show Jessie: “Disney has never done a show with someone who starts out so grown-up! Jessie’s 18! She’s still trying to figure out what kind of career she wants, so she’s trying different things and attempting to move forward and really advance as an actor. More than anything, it’s about watching her grow.”

On her debut album: “I wouldn’t do the music thing if it weren’t for my brother, who’s a producer. He understands me and helps my vision come to life. I want to tell stories, and I want to tell them in the right way. He helps me do that. For the longest time, I was afraid to be a Disney girl who does music. It’s like, I love those girls. Those girls are my favorite. But it didn’t feel like me! Music is such an intensely personal thing for me, and I knew if I was going to do it, it would be in my own way.”

On her style: “It’s such an exciting subplot of what I do. I’m blessed because get to tell stories and help people, but I also get to step out and wear cool things and tell people who I am. I’m inspired by street style and Teen Vogue. I love band tees and pearl earrings!”

You can read Debby’s full interview here. I can’t wait to hear Debby’s music!

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