Just Give Me A Reason


Emma Watson spoke with the Wall Street Journal about her new film The Bling Ring. Highlights from the interview are below.

On the challenges of playing Nikki in The Bling Ring: “How do you sell a line like ‘I could rule a country one day’ and not sound completely ridiculous? I realized very quickly that my biggest challenge was to somehow make this surreal, delusional, eccentric character believable. She’s utterly tragic and hilarious at the same time. She could come across as unsympathetic, but I also tried to get the audience to identify with her, even if it’s just for a second.”

On whether she would do another big blockbuster film: “With smaller-scale films, there’s certainly more freedom, and less pressure to have a happy ending, but I wouldn’t rule out big-budget movies. I think it really depends on the director you have on the helm. In my next film, “Noah,” directed by Darren Aronofsky, the scale is biblical. It’s a mix of the apocalypse and Shakespeare, shot in Iceland.”

On what prized possession she would steal in her own home: “Probably my two cats. I find them quite adorable.”

You can read Emma’s full interview here. The Bling Ring opens in New York and Los Angeles on June 14 and nationwide on June 21.

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