Face To Face Once Again


Shailene Woodley was recently interviewed by Emma Stone for Interview Magazine. Highlights from their conversation are below.

On what she does before she goes to bed every night: “It depends. If I’m having a me night, I might do 15 to 45 minutes of yoga. The thing that’s most grounding for me before bed, though, is when I wash my face. To wash my face and nourish my skin and cleanse myself of everything that happened through the day, and then to sit in bed with my journal or a book of poems or a novel and a cup of tea, is the perfect way for me to ensure a good night’s rest.”

On what she does every morning: “The second I wake up, I scream very loudly [sings to the tune of ‘Good Morning’ from Singin’ in the Rain], ‘Good morning! Good morning!’ And then I scream out, ‘Exciting day! Exciting day!’ I feel like it completely sets the mood for the whole day.”

On what motto she lives by: “‘Everything is sacred and nothing is sacred.’ I say that to myself every day because it reminds me that life is beautiful and we should take it seriously, but then, on the other end of the spectrum, you can’t take everything so seriously that you’re ignoring the present moment. I think it’s about finding a happy medium between seriousness and play that will lead to great things in life.”

You can check out Emma’s full interview with Shailene here, where the girls chat about Shailene’s upcoming projects, organic farming, and much more.

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