It Means No Worries


Shailene Woodley chatted with Vanity Fair about her appearance at Comic Con today, July 18. The young star was at the convention to promote her new film Divergent. Highlights from the interview are below.

On being hesitant about taking on the role of Tris: “The thought of signing a four-year contract was very daunting, and doing a huge franchise movie that has the potential to be very successful was frightening to me. I never wanted that amount of attention, and the thought of losing my anonymity was not something that I was looking forward to.”

On receiving advice from Jennifer Lawrence: “I have still yet to meet Jennifer in the flesh, but I had a slight interaction with her where I asked her about Hunger Games and what it was like, and her life and how much it has changed. It was nice asking someone who has been through the process and is kind of seasoned in the young-adult franchise. She gave me really beautiful advice and said that I should definitely take it.”

You can check out Shailene’s full interview here. Divergent opens in theaters on March 21, 2014.

Jennifer would give Shailene that kind of advice lol.

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