So Much For Fashion


AnnaSophia Robb is on the cover of the September issue of COMPANY magazine. Highlights from her interview are below.

On moving to New York City: “I moved there to film The Carrie Diaries. When I was living on my own it was definitely lonely, it was the first time I lived away from home on my own. And that can be difficult for any young person- my friends who were going to university around that time, felt the same. You go from knowing the routine you have known your whole life and being around people you have known for ages, to meeting a whole new set of people and experiencing changes.”

On becoming Carrie Bradshaw in The Carrie Diaries: “Carrie’s curly hair is such a huge part of the character. Having the curly hair wig helped me get into the Carrie vibe each time I got on set. It was fun for me, because I love curly hair I think it’s sexy.”

You can check out other highlights from her interview here. You can read AnnaSophia’s full interview in the issue out now!

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