For All The Hard Times


A moving company was spotted outside Miley Cyrus’ home in Toluca Lake today, September 20. The trucks were apparently for the remaining stuff belonging to her ex-fiance Liam Hemsworth.

The two recently called off their engagement earlier this week. Now it would seem that Miley is placing the final nail in the coffin by having Liam take his stuff and go.

Currently, Liam is preparing to begin filming for the last two films in The Hunger Games series, while Miley is on her way to Las Vegas to perform at the sold out iHeart Radio Music Festival.

Any thoughts?


1 thought on “For All The Hard Times

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      I really loved them together. Miley is too young to be tied down especially to someone who has such a roving eye. I guess this is really it. I hope Miley meets the right guy for her, someone who will cherish her and love her just as she is, and support her as a partner & not try to be lord & master over her. & I hope Liam grows up too & realizes that this “rebound” is trash & is wierd Miley wannabe – I mean what is sho doing following Miley on Twitter & instagram & God knows what – so sick. Maybe Liam really can’t get over Miley so he chose a wanna be with the same heart tatoo on her hand just lkie Miley’s (Eiza the famewhore). lol Bur most of all I am sorry that Liam & Miley ended so bad – seems like a lot of hate and spite on Liam’s part (staged for the camers make out PDA) – like he was saying to Miley “in your face”. I hope thay can both remember the good they had & not hate one another. I really do wish the best for both of them.

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