Going Crazy Now


Zoey Deutch recently opened up about her new film Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters. She stars at the lead, Rose Hathaway, in this new film adaptation. Highlights from her interview are below.

On her favorite scene to shoot: “Funnily enough, there’s a little scene of Dimitri and I walking back from training that ended up being my favorite scene, and I think it had something to do with the fact that it was a scene where the camera was very far away. It was very weird. It just felt very natural and very real, and it was towards the end, and it was also during the day, and we were mostly shooting at night, so it was like, ‘Sunlight!'”

On being comfortable with shooting the film at night: “What’s even weirder, I felt like I was supposed to be there. I felt, like, totally happy and content and fine with adjusting to night shoots and being away from home for four months. It was a joy. And I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I became so close to everyone in the cast, including Lucy [Fry], who is my best friend now, truly. I talk to her every day, and Mark Waters, who is the director, he’s wonderful. He really made me feel at home.”

On the script: “Dan Waters, he’s a weirdo. I don’t know why he can capture a 17-year-old girl’s way of speaking, but he really can. Really well. That’s one of the things that initially struck me about the script, was that it was able to capture the hilarity of being a teenager so vividly. And I know, because I’m a teenager.”

You can check out more from her interview here. Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters will hit theaters on February 14!

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