In That Passenger Seat


Vanessa Hudgens is on the cover of the October issue of Cosmo On Campus. Highlights from her interview are below.

On potentially going to college: “I got into acting young and I wasn’t as fascinated with learning as I am now; the older I get, the more curious I become. I’d like to study film or photography one day.”

On the staying away from the party lifestyle: “It’s tough because a lot of clubs are everything I loathe, especially in LA. They’re always very ego-filled and people get up to mischief. It’s just not a pure environment. I stay away from [drugs] because I know it’s smart to steer clear.”

On her BFF Ashley Tisdale: “Ashley always says she wants me to be more cautious. She thinks I’m too trusting. I think I’m fine the way I am, but she thinks I have a tendency to float around on a cloud, which I kind of do. She’s quite protective – she always has my back. Ashley and I have laughed and cried together over the years. She comes to me for relationship advice more than I go to her, though: I try to figure stuff out by myself.”

You can check out more from Vanessa’s issue, which is out now!


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