Serve And Protect


New promo images for Enemy of Men starring Rupert Grint have been released. Rupert plays Ross in the retelling of William Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

In the movie, “Macbeth is Thane of Glamis and a celebrated war captain. When Macbeth and war friend Banquo see a prophecy taken from three witches, the three witches predict that Macbeth will go on from Thane of Glamis, to Thane of Cawdor and then the prestigious King; Banquo is hailed as the father of kings to come.

When Macbeth is crowned Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth then pressures Macbeth into killing King Duncan so therefore the next person in line to become king is…Macbeth. Macbeth, being crowned as King after King Duncan’s death is then suffered by a horrid guilty conscience.”

The movie will be released in 2014. Rupert looks great in these photos! What do you think?

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