Happy, Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday Troian Bellisario! Today, October 28 is Troian’s 29th birthday and what a year it has been for the star.

In her 27th year, Troian has filmed and premiered the 4th season of her hit ABC Family show, Pretty Little Liars. She has also premiered new episodes of her WIGS webseries, Lauren and debut two films, Exiles and C.O.G. The star also took home multiple Teen Choice Awards for her role on PLL and the show.

In her 28th year, she will premiere the 5th (and possibly last) season of Pretty Little Liars. She will also film her new movie, Chuck Hank and the San Diego Twins with a possible release date in 2014.

From all of us here at BeautifulBallad we would like to wish Troian a very happy birthday and an amazing year!

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