I Had You


Shailene Woodley and Theo James are featured on the cover of the newest issue of Entertainment Weekly. The duo are on the cover promoting their new movie, Divergent.

In the issue, Theo and Shailene talk preparing for the fame if the movie is a hit, EW gives fans a full guide on the characters in the movie, and so much more. I preview of Shailene and Theo’s interview can be found below.

On preparing for the fame:  (Theo) “It’s completely impossible to answer. If you say anything, you sound like a douche bag because who knows what the f— is going to happen?” (Shailene) ”It’s something that hasn’t happened yet. Anyway, change is inevitable. It happens every day. I’m not going to change my life at all — I love the way I live. I’m not going to worry about it.”

You will also find scans from PEOPLE Magazine’s Divergent collectors issue on our Tumblr. The scans feature new stills from the movie, which you may or may not find a little spoilerly. You have been warned.

The EW issue hits newsstands this Friday, February 28. Also, make sure to check out our gallery for a new still from the movie too.

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