Got To Get It Right


Things did not seem to go well at Justin Bieber’s deposition in Miami, FL yesterday, March 6. The star sat in a 4 1/2 hour deposition “…in connection with a lawsuit filed by a photog who claims last June Bieber sent his hired muscle to beat him up.”

Apparently, things began to get tense during the deposition when the lawyer for the bodyguard began questing Justin on his ex-girlfriend, Selena Gomez. TMZ is reporting, “The lawyer started asking if Selena was present during any incident involving fights with photogs. Bieber’s lawyer, Howard Weitzman, felt the lawyer was just trying to get a rise so he objected.

But the lawyer persisted and asked again … Bieber was fuming and Weitzman jumped in and said his client was being harassed. The photog’s lawyer asked about Selena again, and at that point Justin and Weitzman stood up and left, and as Justin was leaving he screamed, ‘Don’t ask me about her, do not ask me about her!'”

After giving themselves a quick five minutes to collect themselves, Justin and his lawyer returned to the courtroom, but things only proceeded to get worse. “At one point Bieber responded to a question with the word ‘Yeah.’ The lawyer said, ‘Do you mean yes?’ To that Bieber responded, ‘What the f*** is the difference between yeah and yes?!’

A short time later Bieber fired back, ‘What is this, 60 Minutes?’ At another point he responded to a question by saying to the lawyer, ‘OK Katie Couric, what’s your question again?'”

I wonder if this will affect his case? I am going to guess that if this is true, the judge is not going to be too happy with Justin’s behavior. What do you guys think?

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