Head On My Shoulder


Kendall Schmidt sat down with USA Today to talk about Heffron Drive’s new single, “Parallel”. The single was released earlier this month.

In the interview, Kendall talks the meaning behind the song, creating a song that features both band and electronic music, meeting his bandmate, Dustin Belt, and so much more. Highlights can be found below.

On the meaning behind “Parallel”: “The idea is that you’ve been there for each other for a long time, but it doesn’t seem to work out. In the song, everything comes together — the stars align, and true love can unfold.”

On creating a song that features both electronic and band music: “‘Parallel’s’ a happy medium between the two styles, because there’s guitar, which I play, then there’s electronic music, which I love. That’s sort of why I picked that one to begin with. Now, every time I end up writing something, I take a lot of time thinking about how much will be band elements and how much will be electronic. I guess I’m trying to find a happy medium between the two.”

To read the full article click here. Make sure to buy “Parallel” on iTunes when it is released tomorrow, March 25!

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