It’s The Anger


Logan Lerman is featured in the most recent issue of ShortList magazine. The young star is in the issue to promote his new film NOAH. Highlights from the interview are below.

On choosing to do two big budget films (NOAH and FURY) back-to-back: “It’s a conscious move. It’s something I want to break out of, diversify my characters, not let it get boring doing the same thing. It’s also about working with the filmmakers I like – and great filmmakers aren’t doing teen movies.”

On working with Ray Winestone: “Ray Winstone is a hero of mine. He’s one of the greatest – a beast. A sexy beast. I had a good time working with him. You go into a scene and there are so many options. And you just play. The better the actor, the more options and the more unexpected choices you make.”

On fighting Brad Pitt every morning before shooting for FURY: “Every morning at 5am, David Ayer had us put on UFC-style padded clothes and fight each other for a few hours. I forgot Brad is f*cking 50, you know? He’s in killer shape and f*cking fought with the young dudes. He still looks like Tyler Durden.”

You can check out even more from his interview here. NOAH opens in theaters on March 28!

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