From Behind Here


Emma Stone took part in a Twitter chat with Fandango today, April 7. Emma did the chat to help promote her new movie, The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

In the chat, Emma answered questions related to the movie, stunts, filming, and so much more. You can read her full chat under the jump.

The movie will be released in the United States on May 2. For those in the UK, the movie’s release date is now April 16!

Q: What’s your favorite scene from The Amazing Spider-Man?
ES: I love the scene where peter and Gwen reunite in union square. #butterfliez

Q: What sort of inspiration or research did you use to prepare for the role?
ES: I read the comics, learned about biology, and visited some science #oxfordcomma

Q: What’s been your favorite part of working on the Spider-Man movies?
ES: spiderman is a universal hero so it’s been really fun to be part of something so big and the craft service table! #lunabarsandlicorice

Q: Just saw the epic Amazing Spiderman2 trailer! If you could be a superhero who would you be?
ES: Michelangelo (ninja turtle) because he’s a party dude. And he loves pizza and I love pizza. #splinter #pizza

Q:Were you a fan of the comics or any animated shows of Spider-Man growing up?
ES: I wasn’t but when I started researching for the role I read all the comics and quickly became a fan. #marvelmaven

Q: Who are some people you look up to in your life?
ES: Bill Murray #billmurray

Q:This was your first time returning to play the same character again. How was that experience?
ES: it was really great to come back to playing Gwen. It was fun to go to work with the same cast and crew we all felt like a family #famlyfe

Q: Would you like to become a director later on?
ES: not sure if I’m cut out to direct but I’d love to produce #weinstein

Q: How has Gwen developed since the ending of the first film?
ES: Gwen is graduating and getting ready to go to school and study medicine. #followingherdreams

Q: Do you have a fav superhero?
ES: spiderman! #spon

Q: Who’s your favorite SpiderMan villain?
ES: my favorite is the green goblin because I think he is the spooky/scariest #warewolfbarmitzvah

Q: Do you ever get nervous whilst filming?
ES: I see your “whilst” and raise you “whom” #madrespect

Q: Was there anything physically demanding in this movie for you?
ES: no. #justkiddin #ididwirework #butonlyalittle #spon

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