Courage Don’t Desert Me

A brand new clip from Rob Pattinson’s new film, The Rover has been released. Also starring, Guy Pearce the clip focuses on Eric (Pearce) expalining to Rey (Pattinson) how he was abandoned by his brother and by God.

The Rover is “set in a world 10 years following the collapse of society. The rule of the law has disintegrated and life is cheap. The film follows hardened loner Eric (Pearce) as he travels the desolate towns and roads of the outback. When a gang of thieves steals his car they leave behind a wounded Rey (Pattinson) in their wake. Forcing Rey to help track the gang, Eric will go to any lengths to take back the one thing that still matters to him.”

The film will be released on June 20. Rob will premiere the film at the Cannes Film Festival later this month!

Source: A24 Films

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