Run For Yourself


Ashley Greene opened up about her recent 10K race in New York City. The young actress participated in The Oakley New York Mini 10K this past weekend. Highlights from the interview are below.

On running a 10k: “I’m not much of a runner. You know, I love doing different workouts, so I was totally down to do this, but this is not something that comes easy to me.”

On her training regiment for the race: “I’ve been working with a trainer, Jason Walsh. He’s very in tune with movement and making sure the body is moving correctly. I basically had to re-program my body so I was engaging the proper muscles. I didn’t realize it before I started, but my quads were really tight! It was because I wasn’t really paying attention to my body. So we’ve reversed that, for sure.”

On adjusting her diet to help her body detox: “I sweat a lot. But I wash my face morning and night and I always keep facial towelettes in my car so I can touch up during the day. Honestly, though, your body detoxes with sweat. So if you continue to eat not-so-great foods and drink sugary drinks, that will all come out when you exercise, but it might cause you to break out. I’ve had to adjust my diet to be as clean as possible with lots of fish, chicken, and vegetables.”

You can check out more from Ashley’s interview here.

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